My Unforgettable New Year’s Eve on Bus Number 527

My Unforgettable New Year’s Eve on Bus Number 527

It was New Year’s Eve in Queens, and I, Anthony Ciccio, a retired bus driver, decided to relive the old days by taking my beloved bus, Number 527, for a spin. I’ve always loved the thrill of the open road, and what better night to experience it than when the city was buzzing with excitement for the new year.

My adventure began on 34th Avenue. I couldn’t believe my eyes when a group of people, dressed as fruits and vegetables, hailed the bus. They were headed to a costume party and were quite the sight – a banana, two grapes, and a broccoli stalk chatting away. I laughed to myself, thinking, “Only on New Year’s Eve!”

Then, at Astoria Boulevard, I met Mr. and Mrs. Goldstein, an elderly couple sparkling in their New Year’s attire. They were off to their 50th New Year’s Eve dance. As they shared tales of dances from years gone by, Mrs. Goldstein even got up and showed me a dance move or two, right there in the aisle!

As midnight drew near, in Jackson Heights, I came across a magician with a broken-down car. He was in a rush to get to his show, so I invited him aboard. To thank me, he performed magic tricks for all of us on the bus. The highlight was when he magically produced a rabbit from his hat – the whole bus erupted in cheers.

But the most touching moment of the night happened near Flushing Meadows Park. A young woman, anxious and rushed, boarded my bus. She was on her way to the hospital to welcome her sister’s baby into the world. My passengers and I became her impromptu support group, cheering her on. I drove as quickly as I could, safely of course, to help her get there in time.

When midnight struck, my bus was filled with joy and celebration. We sang “Auld Lang Syne”, sharing laughter and cheers. Sitting in my driver’s seat, I looked back at the merry group and thought, “What a fantastic way to celebrate my retirement.”

That night, as I parked bus 527, I felt a deep sense of fulfillment. This New Year’s Eve wasn’t just another night; it was a reminder of the joy and surprises life can bring, even in retirement.